Plant Success - Mycorrhizal Inoculants

Plant Success Premium mycorrhizae is the industry standard for indoor and outdoor gardening. In nature, mycorrhizal fungi form a symbiotic relationship with over 90% of the world’s plants, so most likely plants in your garden will benefit. The fungi, once applied, germinate and become an extension of the root system. The mycorrhizae enhance the release of previously unavailable nutrients and water.

These fungi are extremely sensitive and need a host plant to survive. If your soil has been tilled, compacted, cleared of vegetation or sprayed with harsh chemicals, it could benefit from the introduction of beneficial microorganisms with a mycorrhizal inoculant. Plant Success Premium Mycorrhizal inoculants contain not only mycorrhizal fungi, but also beneficial soil bacteria and foods, like seaweed and humic acids, that support a rich and diverse soil microbe community.

King Crab - Premium Beneficial Bacteria
from $14.95

King Crab - Premium Beneficial Bacteria


A key to nutrient uptake is beneficial bacteria. The active microbes in King Crab were specifically selected to be used as a supplement to the reg...

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from $14.95
Myco Chum® Premium Microbe Food - with Kelp, Molasses, Fish Hydrolysate and Humic Acids
from $8.99

Myco Chum® Premium Microbe Food - with Kelp, Molasses, Fish Hydrolysate and Humic Acids


Myco Chum® Premium Microbe Food - with Kelp, Molasses, Fish Hydrolysate and Humic Acids Myco chum is a supercharger for your microbes and sweetener...

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from $8.99

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