AutoPot 48 Pot System 105 gal flexi tank
AutoPot 48 Pot System 105 gal flexi tank (3.9 gal pots)
The AutoPot 48 Pot System is very versatile and is usable for almost any type of plant of any size. Because of the ingenuity of the AQUAvalve, the plant controls exactly how much water it needs and feeds itself!Whatever medium you choose, the AutoPot 48 Pot system caters for gardeners and growers of all abilities guaranteeing great results. The 48 Pot System is easily extended so many pots can be linked to a single reservoir. Once set up and the reservoir is filled with water & liquid feed, this adaptable, unfailing system will completely take care of all your plants needs with minimal monitoring.
This versatile system can be used in the home, greenhouse, poly-tunnel or garden to feed and water your plants and offers an easy and efficient watering system for all manner of crops whether edible or ornamental.
Each AutoPot 48 Pot System contains:
- 1x 105 gallon FlexiTank 105 gallon tank
- 1x ½” click-fit tank adaptor & filter
- 65ft of ½” pipe
- 1x ½” cross connector
- 3x ½” in-line tap
- 24x 1/2" - 3/8" cross connector
- 48x 1Pot trays & lids
- 48x 3.9 gallon pot
- 48x AQUAvalve5
- 78ft of 3/8" pipe
- 48x Root Control Disc